ABCs for Play – Call and Answer

Starting this morning and ending on Christmas Day, PlayGroundology will be going through the alphabet one letter per day and asking people to submit their favourite words related to play for that letter.

PlayGroundology will send out a tweet ‘call’ each morning with some of its favourites and wait to receive ‘answers’ from others with their favourite play words for the letter of the day.

The purpose of this is two-fold – to have a little lighthearted fun and maybe at the end of the project, if there’s sufficient participation, to look at the possibility of creating a free ebook – The ABCs of Play.

As far as the words go, they can be anything – verbs, adjectives, nouns, proper names, equipment, organizations, places, kid’s games just as long as the word can be readily linked to play.

How many words of play can we compile in the next 26 days? On Christmas day we’ll bring the power of words and play together with an alphabetical posting of everything that has been submitted.

Thanks in advance for your help if you’re able to participate. Follow @PlayGroundology on twitter for the daily call and answer with your great play words. Use the hashtag #ABCs4Play to follow submissions.

If you don’t tweet, it’s easy to get started – go here. If twitter is not the thing for you, you can always email to

Today, get ready to send your play words that begin with the letter ‘A’.

Happy wordplay…

25 responses to “ABCs for Play – Call and Answer

    • Adrian, love it. Wanted to send you an email about this last night but didn’t have an address for you. Thanks you’re the first contributor and it’s a great one. Cheers


  1. TOO FUN! “A” is for ALEX – a fun-loving playful kind of guy – love your blog.
    Nicole Stoddard, CPSI
    President, Playground Hound, LLC


  2. Anthropometric: The study of human body measurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison. In the playground world this tells us that the age groups 2-5 and 5-12 have different proportions from size of head to size of torso etc. This helps us determine safe designs in openings, entrances, heights etc. This is also why you often see a separation in play equipment for these two age groups. Thought it may interest some of you while allowing me to add a ten dollar word!


    • Brilliant Bill – thanks for this one. Certainly a new word for me and I’m one who loves to build up the vocabulary. Now that you’ve started with such style, I hope you’ll be back frequently between now and Christmas to share a few new words with us. Cheers


  3. Adventure playground, American swing


    • Thanks Adrian. Oh I so do want to get my kids to an Adventure playground. They like what they see in photos and video footage. Hope you’ll have the time to continue contributing as we wind our way through the alphabet. Cheers


  4. adaptability
    Abernethy, W.D.
    Ackerman, D
    Allen, M
    Anderson, R
    Axline, V.M


    • You’ve got to love adaptability. I will be googling the people. I guess they have made a special, or significant contribution to the world of play. Thanks for participating, this is my first introduction to your publication.


  5. Arena


    • Thanks genlpublicspeaks – all great additions to our collection of A words. Hope you’ll be back to contribute many more words of play as we wind our way through the alphabet. Cheers


  6. What a super idea ! I’ll have fun joining in !
    Sue Atkins
    Author of “Raising Happy Children for Dummies”


    • Thanks Sue, I’ll look forward to reading your contributions. It is good fun and does not demand a big time commitment. Hope we’ll hear from you for D and E over the weekend. Cheers, Alex


  7. D:
    Danby, S
    Danks & Jo Schofield, Fiona
    Davy, Annie
    Deal, Terrence E.
    Douch, Philip


  8. Thanks Nature Summit. Tomorrow is Day 5, Letter E. Hope you’ll be able to join us by sending in some engaging entries, Cheers, Alex


  9. Thanks Manitoba nature Summit. Hope you’ll be able to join us for ABCs4Play. Tomorrow is Day 5, Letter E. Please send some engaging entries. Cheers, Alex


  10. E:
    Elkind, David
    Elliott, Sue
    Else, Perry
    Evans, Russell
    Ellis, Michael J
    Elston, Frank
    Erikson, Erik H.
    Erskine, Pansy Constance


    • Thanks so much. Appreciate your contributions. It ouwld be nice to know a little more about the people you reference. Enjoy your Sunday. Cheers, Alex


      • All authors of play and playwork related books that are available either new or used from Meynell Games Bookseller!!! Shall I give you titles as wel for the ‘F’s’? Or anything else?


  11. Brilliant fun. I’ll be joining in!


    • Thx Melitsa. Please drop in and play whenever you can from now through Dec 25.

      Maybe I could do a recital of select words A thru Z on your podcast? Let me know if you’d be interested. Cheers, Alex


  12. I is for:

    Inside is boring
    I’m mighty if I try
    Iguanas are strange creatures
    Indigo is my favourite rainbow colour


  13. J is for:

    Jumping in puddles
    Jack in a box
    Jingle Bells
    Jelly (making of)
    Jack & Jill
    Jenny Kable
    Jemima Puddleduck
    Jumble Sales
    Jelly Bean competitions


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