Introducing our Brand New International Day of Play Poster

We have a spanking new poster that we hope you’ll like. Without further ado…

International Day for Play – 2024

The QR Code on the poster will take you directly to a free download of a wonderful book created here in Nova Scotia – Why Outdoor Play Matters: A practical guide for Parents and Caregivers. Practical and purposeful, a real gem.

Thanks to volunteer Chris Holland, Colour Creatives Photography, who pulled the poster together with very little time. Look for it on the Halifax waterfront this Sunday and that’s where you’ll find the Old Time Play activities. For those visiting us on the Halifax waterfront on Sunday, please note the event is being documented with still and video cameras.

There are activities happening around the world to celebrate play this June 11. In the UK, London Play is organizing a Parade of Play starting and finishing at Parliament Square. Local councils in the UK have been gutted over the last 10 years with significant impact on play and play provision. Brilliant idea – I remember lots of parades in the hallway of of our home when the kids were much younger. Maybe we could adopt this in Canada in future years…..

To close out this post, some fine words I just read from Theresa Casey one of the Past Presidents of the International Play Association (World).

The inaugural #InternationalDayOfPlay is nearly here! Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on the 14th March, all countries are invited to observe the day ‘in an appropriate manner’ – an idea I love while hoping it will also be observed with silliness, fun, laughter and lots of inappropriateness!

Waterfront schedule here.

Get out there and get your PLAY on!




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