Category Archives: New Museum

Experience the SuperSlide at Carsten Höller’s New Museum Exhibition

There’s a new slide in town on Bowery St. in Manhattan. It’s an integral component of Carsten Höller’s Experience exhibition at the New Museum running from October 26 through January 16.

Source: New Museum website

The exhibition’s online promo describes the slide as follows:

Functioning as an alternative transportation system within the Museum, one of Höller’s signature slide installations will run from the fourth floor to the second, perforating ceilings and floors, to shuttle viewers through the exhibition as a giant 102-foot-long pneumatic mailing system.

Höller is a connoisseur of the slide experience and speaks here about his love of slides.

It’s no small feat to install a SuperSlide in the interior of a multi-storey structure. This flickr slideshow captures how it was done at the New Museum.

There’s some slide action as well as a short interview with Höller on this Associated Press YouTube clip.

Here’s a 360 degree view of an earlier Höller slide installation in the Tate Museum’s Turbine Hall in London.

Finally, as we slip, slide out of this post, a little video from the Tate exhibition.

Have you had a chance to ride a Höller slide? Share your experience with PlayGroundology.